Thursday, August 14, 2008

massive change, massive learning

it has been a very long time since i posted - in fact looks like this is my first post for 2008. my apologies if anyone has come looking for me and i have been absent for so long.

2008 has been a year of even more adventure than 2007 ... not all of it the kind that you go out looking for, but rather the kind that just arrives on your doorstep pretty much unannounced.

In the biggest news, my marriage has ended, well is now in the technical stage of separation, since April.

In the next news, i have been dating actively, developed some new friends, new relationships and discovering so much about myself, men and how it all works outside of one very long term committed relationship/marriage.

i have discovered the weird and wonderful world of online dating .... enuf said, won't go into that one here and now.


i am in the process of taking sole ownership of the family home - taking the plunge to buy my husband out - scarey but somehow empowering stuff.

so those are my big news items for this year to date. there are some smaller ones, but they can wait for a time when i am less sleep deprived to share.

sending love to everyone and anyone who comes across this blog ... i will make an attempt to post again before too long - i have been borrowing my son's computer for quite some time so have only just found my way back to this one tonight when he kicked me out of his bedroom so he could get some sleep! lol


Friday, December 14, 2007

On the 11th day of christmas ...

there was a frenzy throughout the land as all the weary shoppers tried to prevent things from getting out of hand! i have made a few forays into the malls, but have been trying to avoid the worst places at the busiest times. Our local shopping centre isn't nearly as busy, so i have picked up a few things there, a great bonus!

For Christmas we are having a big family gathering of both my brothers and their families and my dad, plus of course (at another meal) my mum, her husband and a few other inlaw types! It will be full on and I am thinking that collapsing in a heap is going to be looking mighty appealing when the most intense parts are over lol.

If i don't get a chance to post here again before Christmas, I hope anyone reading here has a lovely time, enjoys the company of friends and family and sees in the New Year with hope for all good things ahead.

Love to you all - I am looking forward to a much improved year in 2008!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

well now its November!


i promised to post again ... and i am, although it is not exactly "soon" after my last one! wow, so much has been happening too.

my boss has been overseas for 5 weeks, and got back 3 weeks ago. while she was away i was sole charge, and also managing a brand new client who i did 50 hours for that first month and is now on a 30 hour per month retainer. we could really do with another team member, altho now the boss is back on deck, hopefully she will tackle part of the workload. we seem to be experiencing that last minute frenzy of clients wanting work sorted before everything slows right down in December and January.

in other news ... my dad has moved back to my city to live. currently he is renting a room in a fairly dodgy flat, with half his wordly possessions in there with him, and the rest in a storage unit. he moved from a three bedroom house into one largish room, so it has been a challenge!

the good news is that he has been offered a council unit, and i think he will take it ... so at least he will have his own space and a little more room to move than he currently does. and with luck, he will be able to get rid of some of the excess stuff and make a little cash from it.

what else, well my younger brother went to the states for 3 weeks with his girlfriend and they got married in Vegas - much to everyone' s surprise :)

that was cool, so i have a new sister in law ... and we get on well :)

my oldest son will be finishing school soon, and has already picked up his first part time programming job with a company called Telogis.

the women's circle has been going well, working through the goddess book, and we will probably take a bit of a break for December and January ... we had a great weekend away together focusing on Lilith, and a night time ritual up in a cave on the hills which was very cool. On wednesday night this week, which was Beltane here, we did another ritual on the beach and then made a shell encrusted mirror so we could look at our goddess selves. nice.

and since the return of my boss, i have started an hour later at work every day, and gone to the gym before work. have also started eating much healthier, lots of raw and salads and juices - all good!

and right now i am feeling hungry so a smoothie might be in the offing!

see you again soon .... and thanks for your comments darlings!


Sunday, August 12, 2007


life has been incredibly full of late ... weekends have rushed by with hardly a spare moment, whether it be working on an event i am helping to pull together in my spare time, or going away for a long weekend to the snow with my husband, organising activities around my mother's 70th birthday and my older son's 17th, keeping track of work and preparing to work full weeks for a month and a half becos my boss is going on an overseas trip (which i found out today will be delayed by a couple of weeks becos her partner injured himself today!!) ... and sooo much more!

We have been socialising a bit lately with my husband's work colleagues (well some of them) which has involved dancing, loud music, clubs, and much alcohol - quite a change of pace from evenings in front of the tv!

and my women's circle has also committed to working through a 7 month Inner Goddess Makeover based on a fabulous book by a woman called Tanishka, who is originally a kiwi, but now lives in Melbourne. I am anxiously awaiting a package from her in the mail with a copy for each of us, hopefully in time for this coming weekend when we will be gathering out of town for a couple of nights. Looking forward to it!

OK now, you can gather yourselves up off the ground now (having fallen over in shock at seeing a new post on my blog!)

Promise to write again soon!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

so its been a while ...

sorry guys if you are checking here regularly, life has somewhat overtaken me in the last month or so. big time personal drama, but i won't go into that here, because i have something new to share with you.

today i had an epiphany of sorts :) for some time now i have been wondering about the message i have to share with the world ... i am a speaker without a topic - but one who can speak about anything, i am a writer without a book - but one who can write about anything.

and today, i had a realization that i want to write and speak about women's lives and women's wisdom. and that part of this has come to me because i am struggling to find my own wisdom and my own path forward just now. but i want to create something that women will give to their daughters, perhaps when they are as young as 8 or 9, or perhaps on their first menstruation - their initiation into womanhood.

a book that will also be shared with women having their first child, getting married or divorced, going through menopause, discovering their life purpose. a book of wisdom that draws from all women of all ages, from all around the world.


it feels right to me. it feels like i have a purpose, to begin to research, collect, collate, edit and draw together the strands from women like those reading this blog .... and those who are not. from those who are legends in cyberspace and those who have never even seen, let alone turned on a computer. i want to collect their words, oral or written and put them in a place where every woman can read them.

so a book, or perhaps a series of books ... a platform on which to speak and share and encourage others to share ... a website/forum for women to voice their experiences and share and support each other, and potentially so much more!

i would love to read your comments and thoughts in response to this idea - what would you like to see or read or share in such a book?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

he is home and safe

and things are reverting pretty much to normal. almost in sync with his arrival, the weather turned cold and wet this week, and the autumn leaves that have been stubbornly clinging on are now mostly scattered across the lawns and filling the gutters.

his trip was an eventful one ... with snippets now trickling through as he remembers them. like yesterday morning when he came out and said " did i tell you how i got approached for a modelling job in singapore?" of course, he hadn't, so i pressed him for details :) apparently some guy had approached him in the street and told him they were looking for young guys for a modelling shoot the following week and would he be interested. gave him a business card and everything. my boy said - somewhat incredulously, that he was only in singapore for a day, and the scout looked most upset and asked him if he would be back in singapore any time soon. "not very likely" said my boy (who btw hated singapore). and the scout went on his way. joey went on to tell me the guy looked a bit dodgy, and apparently joey's girlfriend (who had been with him at the time the man approached) had run off as soon as he started talking to joey. lol.

anyway, he wasn't kidnapped for the white slave trade, and also hasn't started on the road to international modelling stardom!

he has struggled a bit this week with understandable tiredness and some asthma, but would go back to France in a heartbeat (and yes, me with him!!!)

had to stop for a minute and sort out a computer emergency ... all good now, thanks to the joey helpdesk (yes he is at school and i rang him on his mobile!)

Friday, April 27, 2007

the traveller returns!

tomorrow morning at 9.30am we go to the airport to pick up joey from his trip to France. i am looking forward to seeing him and hearing all the stories and seeing all the photos from his trip. i am excited about how much he will have learned about the world, and watching changes unfold in him as he processes it all and gets used to being back home again.

the three weeks has gone so quickly - for him and for us I am sure. I would so love to travel back there with him and share some of his memories and experiences.