Thursday, January 18, 2007

an brief explanation

you might be interested in something i put into my blog yesterday ... there is a little video done by a guy on the Barbara Sher board, all about bringing the law of attraction stuff into action in our lives.

he developed this technique himself to make sense of it all .... basically it is about writing down our top three priorities that we want to see happen in our lives, then EACH DAY, write an A-Z list with a word or sentence that relates to each of those priorities starting with each letter. Make sense?

what he says happens (which makes sense) is that you start to see alphabet letters all around you as you go about your day, and every time you do, it reminds you of something on your list ... which helps keep you focused and keep all the good stuff top of mind. Plus of course, the repetition each day helps cement things in our minds and keeps us aware.

he says that for the hard letters he often writes something like "youthful zeal" for Y etc .... which is ok, you can fill in the really hard ones with something that is generally helpful.

he gives examples on the clip.

go have a look!

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