Thursday, April 12, 2007

podcast, swicki and video!

so there they all are now!

if you want to hear my voice (sounding as my son said like a public service announcement - i used my " radio" voice) click on the top link where it says Karen's test podcast and have a listen!

might record a more fun one at some point and add it in for my friends to listen to :)

play with clicking on the phrases in the swicki "cloud" and see what comes up for your searches - they can be quite interesting.

that's all for now, I have some other missions to take care of today ... spot you later.


moi said...

Haha! I heard Miss SGs voice :)
I must say, you did sound very radio-ey and professional.I had to sneak it on becasue I am at work (I put the volume down low and stuck my ear to the speaker). Please feel free to check out my blog, I haven't updated it in eons but I do hope to do so soon.
Take care,

silvergirl said...

Hi DV!

nice to see you here :) i will def go visit your blog!


M J Muir said...

You sound most professional silvergirl. As a matter of fact I imagined you talked exactly like that only a little slower. But the NZ accent and the tone are what I imagined.

Some of this video stuff is a little overwhelming so I will check it out at a later date when I have time for waiting for the downloads.

I am thinking about you. I hope we don't lose touch.
